Msanii Jose Chameleon wa nchini Uganda ameonesha kusikitishwa na kifo cha rafiki yake wa karibu Aitwaye Adam Keita.
Kwa mujibu wa msanii huyu
Adamu Keita ni Yule jamaa aliyeonekana katika video ya Wimbo wa Jamila.
Kupitia ukurasa wake wa face book msanii huyu ameandika kuwa tumekuwa pamoja tangu utoto tukisoma shule ya msingi Nakasero hatukuishia hapo tukaendelea hadi tumekuwa na ni wewe ndiye uliyenitambulisha katika mitaa mbalimbali na kunitangaza hadi kufika Nairobi kasha kurejea na kuandaa video ya Jamila ambayo sura yako itaendelea kubaki japo umeondoka,Mungu ailaze roho yako mahali pema
Tazama alivyoandika
DR. JOSE Chameleone
"RIP comrade "Adam Keita" We came along way as kids from Nakasero Primary when we met as childhood friends, We further grew into boys and still kept the relationship as friends. You Introduced me to the streets, and promoted me to Nairobi as a hustler on the "Mawingo bus" I returned as a brother and we together planned the "Jamila" video in which your face will remain for life even when you gone. May the almighty father keep your soul in eternal peace".
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